Genshin Impact Anemoculus Location Map: Where can you find and How to get Anemoculus

How do I get Anemoculus in Genshin impact? How do you collect Anemoculus? How many Anemoculus are there in Genshin impact? If you want to find the locations of Genshin Impact Anemoculus, then you just need to follow this article!

Why should you find Genshin Impact Anemoculus?
Knowing where to find Genshin Impact Anemoculus is an important part of the game. Find them, and offer them up to the Statues of the Seven, and you'll earn extra stamina, more adventure experience, Primogems, Anemo Sigils and more.
How to find Genshin Impact Anemoculus?
1:  From the beach you will spot an island in the distance. Create an ice path and you can reach your destination: You won't have the stamina to swim that far.
2: From the cliff, use the glider. The Anemoculus is right beneath the cliff.
3: The Anemoculus is floating next to a tower.
4: On the foot of the cliff there's a pile of destructible stones (looking different to normal ones). Use a Claymore to break them quickly, or jump attacks.
5: On top of a large climbable wall.
6: Climb up to the top of the tallest pillar.
7: On top of a pile of rocks.
8: The Anemoculus is floating near a watchtower, you can climb it and glide from that point.
9: From the cliff, glide below. It’ll be on a platform, surrounded by Anemo slimes.
10: Create an ice path or glide from the top of the Mondstadt chapel. Activate the Anemo monument to get a glide boost and get it.
11: From the last glide boost you can also get this one: It’s sitting over the water nearby.
12: Floating between two trees, glide from a nearby rock to get it.
13: There’s a tree surrounded by bushes. The Anemoculus will be within its leaves, you just have to jump to get it.
14: On top of a rock.
15: On the roof of a house, you can climb or glide from the cliff next to it.
16: Climb the pillar with the chest on top, it’ll be on the edge of the cliff next to it.
17: On the branches of the giant tree, climb up there and you can't miss it.
18: Collecting the three Anemogranum will create a wind current that can lift your glider to get it.
19: Climb up the broken pillar and glide to the Anemoculus from there.
20: On the edge of a cliff above the enemy camp.
There are 65 Anemoculus located in Mondstadt for players to collect. Collecting them will require a fair bit of time as they are spread across the Mondstadt region in Genshin Impact, so we just list 20 locations for you to get Anemoculus. And if you are interested in Buying Genshin Impact Accounts, you can also find them at

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