Genshin Impact 2.4 Livestream event release date revealed

A recent leak on Reddit has revealed the release date for the upcoming Genshin Impact Version 2.4 Livestream event. The new update should arrive around January 5, 2022.

Genshin Impact has become one of the most popular MMO titles since its release in 2020. Each new update brings fresh new content such as different events, new playable characters, enemies or domains.

Every update has its beta phase which runs parallel with the previous update. Recent leaks have revealed pretty much everything we will see in the upcoming Genshin Impact update 2.4. miHoYo officially reveals the content a couple of days before the update through a Livestream event.

A recent post on the Genshin Impact Leaks subreddit has revealed the release date for the upcoming Genshin Impact Version 2.4 Livestream event. According to the leak, the event should start this Sunday.

The Genshin Impact Twitter account has officially revealed the official art for two upcoming characters, Shenhe and Yun Jin. After many speculations, it's finally confirmed that she will be a Cryo character, making her the ninth Vision holder in the game so far. Nothing mentioned on the official art or the Twitter description indicates on her rarity but she's heavily rumored to be a five-star character. When it comes to her weapon of choice, the art reveals that she will fight using a Polearm weapon.

A recent leak on the Genshin_Impact_Leaks subreddit has revealed that Shenhe has already been buffed in the beta version of the game:

  • Elemental Skill:
    • Tap skill damage has been increased from 243.36 to 250.56 per cent
    • Damage bonus will be increased from 77 to 82 per centCryo damage bonus for active characters in her Elemental Burst has been increased from 10 to 15 per cent
  • Normal Attack: All five of her normal hits will receive a small nerf

Buffing Shenhe's Elemental Skill damage and lowering her Normal Attack damage will push Shenhe even further into the support role. She is expected to be a very niche support/sub-DPS.

That’s everything we know so far – And if you are interested in Buying Genshin Impact Accounts, you can also find them at

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