Server: Asia (won't work on other servers)
Adventure Rank: 57
World Level: 8
Intertwined Fate: 1
Banner Enrolled: Limited - 37/90(Last Pull: Keqing)
Primogems: 147
- C1: Klee, Mona, Diluc, Kokomi, Raiden, Faruzan, Candace, Amber
- C2: Zhongli, Yaoyao, Sayu, Rozaria, Yun Jin
- C3: Ningguang
- C4: Keqing
- C5: Xinyan
- C6: Razor, Xinqiu, Xiangling, Barbara, Diona, Beidou, Noelle,Benett, Fischl, Sucrose
- Lost Prayers to the Sacred Wind 2x
- Primordial Jade Winged-Spear
- Aquila Favonia
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